Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Forex Free Money

Ok, the main point of this blog post is to point you to 3 different companies that offer free NO DEPOSIT money. So you can start without investing you own money, but speculate in the markets for real money.
So here are them: (some things you may find usefull are below).

http://www.marketiva.com/?gid=32066 $5
http://www.10pips.com/?id=4515 $20
http://www.ifcmarkets.com/ $10

Now, the boring, useufull (i hope) stuff:

The markets are maybe one of the most difficult money making ways. It's also very rewarding if you do keep winning in the long term. Don't overleverage (big risk of capital lose). Most of the information is given directly from the charts. You will need some technical instruments, (everyone of that companies soft has them).
You usually are told to trade YOUR chart. And altough this is right, you can start both ways, looking at the charts, finding patterns, but ALSO read what others are saying, not to blindly jump in from anyone's call, but to see other perspectives. The best place to talk and ask maybe http://www.forexfactory.com/. Start with one pair (eur/usd, for example) and stick to it until you have mastered it. Be real carefull and have a good money management. This is *very* important, you could lose many times (pro's also) but the difference is that you can come back and keep making investments.

Please read my post "Forex Basics" for a complete MUST KNOW about Forex. Been there, if you can follow the 9 points I wrote, you will win in the markets on the long term. But, of course, keep reading, asking, learning.
Feel free to comment, critizise or ask anything you want. I wanna hear you.

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